Generator sets and co-generator sets reliable since 1950:
tradition, change and the future

Projects, targets, changes with one goal: to win them!


cogeneratori con produzione congiunta

Fifty years of tradition and experience for the future in the thermal and electrical energy sector made from alternative fuels, pre-sale and after-sales technical support by skillful designers and technicians in order to provide reliable products and efficient solutions.

A number of substantial changes have occurred in the company since 1950 when the company was set up as a workshop for repairing components of the automotive industry.
Over with years, Tessari Energia has shown its skills by meeting the first energy requests and proposed, even in the 60’s, the first power and heat generator sets supplying electrical and thermal power.


The new core business: Gruppi elettrogeni e cogeneratori

gruppi elettrogeni e cogeneratori

The company also showed a great understanding of the market and its changes when, starting from the 90’s, they have chosen to focus their core business on generator sets and services to third parties.

Tessari Energia, certified ISO 9001-2000, has been one of the oldest Italian businesses in its sector and the business strength deriving from their experience has allowed them to successfully continue their business.